martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

The Political Economy in the 21st century, Theory of the Political Supremacy

To get the human beings happiness must be the purpose of the economics.

Objective of the essay
The goal of this essay is to demonstrate the necessity of building a new approach of political economy that helps to create a best world.

Historic vision
The development of the economic thought practically began in the 16th century. Previously, some philosophers, Thucydides (455-4009), Xenophon (430-355), Plato (384-322) and Aristotle (384-322) made some contributions to the economics. In fact, the term economy comes from the Ancient Greek and was Aristotle who made a first approach to the Theory of Value. In his book Politics, he distinguished between the value of use and the value of change and realized also some considerations regarding the Quantity Theory of Money.
In the Roman Empire we find the contribution of the Emperor Diocletian; he established the first control of prices in the economy and appears too the work of Varron (116-27) on agricultural economics.
After, in the Middle Age (centuries V to XV), highlight the Summa Theological of Saint Thomas of Aquino (1225-1274), who exposed the value of the just price, the just salary and condemned the usury.
Some years after appear the work of Nicholas Oresme (1340-1382), who criticized the reduction of the value of the money made by kings. The work of Oresme was the inspiration of Thomas Gresham (1519-1579) who demonstrated ---some years after--- how the less valued currencies displace the most valued currencies.

The Mercantilism
Gresham inaugurated the Mercantilist thought in the 16th century. The Mercantilism defended the thesis of the state intervention in the economy. The mercantilists sustained that the wealth of nations was represented by their stocks of gold and silver and by a positive balance of payments; this means, by the promotion of the exports and the restrictions to the imports.
Among the principal mercantilists authors must be mentioned the names of Juan Botero (1540-1617) and his book Reason of State; Antoine Montchretien ( 1575-1621), who employed for first time the term political economy; Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683); William Petty (1623-1687), with his book Political Arithmetic, considered, moreover, founder of the economics and Richard Cantillion (1680-1734) considered too founder of the economics.

The Physiocrats
Between the years 1760 and 1770 emerge in France a new economic vision. It was the thought of the Physiocrats, who’s sustained a different idea regarding the causes of the wealth of nations.
The Physiocrats thought that the agriculture was the base of the wealth and not the bullion (gold and silver), neither the advantages in the foreign commerce as had assured the Mercantilist theory until that moment. They believed in a natural order and were opposed to the state intervention in the economy. This represents the opposite thesis to the Mercantilism.
The principal exponent of the Physiocracy was Francoise Quesnay (1694-1774), who created the Tableu Economique in 1758, a model of economic analysis where he demonstrated the flows of the economy. This work was the base of the modern econometrics years after.

Classic Economy
In the year 1776 occur a fact that would change the economic history. It was the publication of the book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, of the philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790). This book is considered the main economic work of all the times.
Smith contradicted the appreciations of his predecessors and argued that the industrial production is the most important cause of the wealth of nations increase and made a severe opposition to the intervention of the state in the economy.
Smith inaugurated the period of the Classic Economy, which other principal figures were Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834); Jean Baptiste Say (1767-1832); David Ricardo (1772-1823); John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) and the main critic of the Classical Economy, Karl Marx (1818-1883).
This broad period of time, since the 16th century until the 18th century was characterized by a fact: the consideration of the economic phenomenon as a whole discipline: the political economy.
I think that the political economy was a method of analysis that took in account not only the economic conditions but the society as a whole. This method was used the same by the Mercantilists, Physiocrats and the Classic Economy.

The modern economics
In 1890 with the publication of his book Principles of Economics, Alfred Marshall founded the modern economics.
In the three previous centuries 16th, 17th and 18th, the economics was considered a subject of the Moral Sciences, a branch of the politics, and for that cause and methodological reasons it was called political economy. The founders of the economics were aware of the paper of the state in the economic behavior of the society.
Marshall developed the microeconomics. John Maynard Keynes called him “the founder of the diagrammatic economics…”
In 1903, thirteen years after the publication of his Principles, Marshall gets to create the Cambridge School of Economics and to separate the economics studies of the Moral Sciences and the politics. Since that moment the economics and the economists began a new road. They leaved the political economy and centered its efforts in concrete problems, in the microeconomics and in the new mathematical economics.
In the 46 years between 1890 ---with the publication of the Principles of Marshall--- and 1936 when appear the thesis of John Maynard Keynes, General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, the Marginalist and mathematic trend dominated the scenario.
In that historic period emerged important figures that would tackle specific economic affairs. Francis Edgeworth (1845-1926) with is Mathematical Physics and his Theory of Distribution; Wilfredo Pareto (1848-1923) and his Manuale di Economia Politica; John B. Clark (1847-1938) Distribution and Wealth; Eugene Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914) Positive Theory of Capital; Frank Taussing (1859-1940) Tariff History of the United States; Werner Sombart (1864-1920) DES Moderne Kapitalismus; Gustav Casel (1866-1945) the Nature and Necessity of Interest; Arthur C. Pigou (1877-1959) Wealth and Welfare and Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) the Theory of Money and Credit, among other economists.
In the already 46 years mentioned ---between 1890 and 1936--- the economic crisis acquired a new and intense dimension. The Communism obtained the power in Russia in 1917 and the radicalism found a fertile field in the impoverished European population. The inflation and the unemployment reached unbelievable figures in those years. This let the promotion of men as Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler and was the main cause of the First and Second World War. In the United States the Great Depression of 1929 threatened the real bases and the intellectual support of the North American capitalism.
The economic crisis discredited the economics and the economists: the old political economy and the new modern economics of Marshall and his pupils.

The paper of Keynes
John Maynard Keynes rescued the prestige of the economics. With his General Theory, he demonstrated that the control of the inflation and the unemployment were possible. He evidenced that the holistic method of the political economy was indispensable for resolving the economics problems. He tackled the crisis with an integral vision and proved that the control of the state and their investments are essentials for the economic progress.
The Keynes’s theory was a practice success and was applied in the United States, in Europe an in the rest of the world since the decade of the forty years.
“Keynes was the most important economic thinker of the 20th century. His influence was of such magnitude that the thirty years of the world economy success between the years 1945 and 1975 were called the Age of Keynes.
But as none remedy to the economics problems is permanent, the years of the Keynes success began to experiment problems and the crisis reappeared again. The increase of the oil prices since 1970 was one of the causes of the new global situation.
The monetary system established in Breton Woods in 1945 started to present problems at the end of the fifty years, when some European countries doubted of the dollar strength as instrument of international reserves, generating the prelude of a new world economic crisis.
In the seventy years appeared a new trend that hardly criticized the Keynesian model. It was the famous School of Chicago, which principal figure was the professor Milton Friedman, who revived the Quantitative Theory of Money. He asserted that the inflation is a monetary problem and that reducing the amount of money and adopting a policy of freedom to establish prices, wages and interests rates the inflation may be dominated…”
(1) Pablo Rafael González. Apreciación Crítica de la Política Monetaria, el bolívar oro. Monte Ávila Editores Latinoamericana, 2007. Pages 33 and 34.

Effects of the Neo liberalism
The intellectual position of the professor Friedman and the School of Chicago ---Neo liberalism--- was adopted by the government of Margaret Thatcher in England since 1979 and by the government of Ronald Regan in the United States. This policy was assumed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in those years and imposed to the rest of the world through the globalization.
The outcome of the globalization has been the enhance of the poverty and the environmental damage, the privatization of many of the public institutions of the undeveloped countries, the increase of the public services tariffs, the inflation and the augment of problems of balance of payments of the developed and underdeveloped countries.
For the industrial nations, one of the principal effects of the Neo liberalism and the globalization has been the financial crisis of the year 2008. The model affected and weakened the mechanisms of controls of the governments on the financial institutions.
The other great error of the model has been giving preeminence to the financial capitalism and to put the real economy in second place. These facts caused the explosion of the current crisis.

I think that the political economy is a method of analysis that take in account, holistically, the paper of the economics in the society. The political economy is not a doctrine but a system of thought for the global comprehension of the economics, politics, environmental and social relations.
The sin of the modern economy has been their partial approach, the micro vision of the economics. The modern economics has worked deep in the trees but has loosed the perspective of the forest.
The mistakes of the politicians and economists explain why does more of the three fourth parts of the world population remain in the poverty and the half live with less of $2 per day.
New challenges have arisen, among them the natural resources crisis as consequence of the overexploitation of the resources and the pollution. These phenomenons have created a new paradigm for the economy.
In the 21st century it is necessary to recover the method of analysis of the political economy and to build a new political conception for attacking the poverty, managing the problem of the natural resources and preserving the environment. With willpower it is possible to reach both objectives; God save the next generations.

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