lunes, 5 de julio de 2021

The State Information Policy as an instrument for the promotion of economic and social development, a common theme for developing nations

This has been a priority topic of my conferences and press articles since 1973. At that time I wrote my first paper on the subject and this later motivated its incorporation into the V Plan of the Nation of Venezuela 1974/1979. In the following years and until now it has been, therefore, a central object of my concern and this is reflected in the Political Proposal of SB Sociedad de Bienestar, the new political institution that we are trying to create in Venezuela since 2019.

1. Why?

I believe that individual attitudes when they become collective attitudes define the direction of society. If these individual attitudes are oriented towards the positive, society progresses and, vice versa, when those individual attitudes, transformed into collective attitudes, are oriented towards the negative, society stagnates, regresses.

2. The four great areas

I think that the State, through its Information Policy, can and should be a great motivator, promoter of positive collective attitudes, among them: a) respect for the laws, b) the norms of behavior in social life and the vehicle transit c) to respect for nature and the environment and d) to ethical economic conduct, far from usury and speculation.

3. What to do?

In consensus and with the collaboration of the media and the institutions of the private sector of the economy, the State must design and implement an Information Policy for Economic and Social Development that covers the four major areas mentioned above.

The Information Policy would have two essential channels for its implementation: a) Large Information Campaigns through the media and b) All institutions of the educational system.

4. What would be the main messages to spread?

Based on the four large areas defined in point 2:

a) Respect for the laws and the consequences of not doing so b) Respect for the community, neighbors, rejection of annoying noises, loud music, alcohol consumption on public roads, leaving pets free without a muzzle and chain, to litter the public road with pet excrement, to throw garbage and debris into the street, to respect traffic rules, traffic lights, crosswalks, speed limits and the consequences of not doing it for the offender, c) Take care of the trees and not cut them down and the severe penalties that those who do it will incur d) The rejection of usury and speculation, the unjustified increase in prices, the artificial scarcity to cause price increases and the recognition and approval of the society to the ethical conduct in the commerce.

5. The power of information

In today's world, information and the media have a decisive influence on the social behavior of citizens and are, consequently, the most important instrument of social change. Therefore, any political, economic and / or social reform must be based on the use of the media as an instrument to achieve the objectives of change. (1)

6. Legal reforms

For the success of the Information Policy, it is necessary that it be accompanied by the pertinent legal reforms that allow the conduct of offenders to be duly punished.

7. Theme common to developing nations

I have raised this issue taking into account the particular situation of Venezuela, but the general idea and its application is feasible in nations with situations analogous to those of Venezuela.

(1) Sobrepoder: Cómo los medios de comunicación influyen en la política, la economía y el cambio social (Spanish Edition)


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