domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Was the 2008 recession provoked with a deliberate objective?

Who are the main beneficiaries of the recession?
The bankers are the beneficiaries. They have found an excellent way for obtaining gratis public funds.
The rest of the society will pay the gift given to the bankers.
In the United States and in Europe will be the tax-payers who will assume the charge.
The bankers know that usually the governments pay the account when they say that do not have money.
In some countries the governments take the property of the banks when the banks fail. In other countries the governments give the bailout without conditions.
But the bankers ever win, even after nationalization, because usually some time later the institutions come back to their hands or to the hands of their partners. There are too many examples of this type world-wide.
In the current crisis the financial sector has obtained an unbelievable amount of resources that will help to increase the banker’s wealth.
Moreover, the crisis brought other consequences: the most important is the oil price fall.
The leaders of the financial sector knew anticipated the principal consequences of the crisis and, perhaps, they thought that obtaining the financial assistance of the government, by one hand, and obtaining the oil price fall, by the other, are enough reasons to justify the recession. Perhaps some leaders of the governments of other nations have thought the same. The result has been the 2008 recession.
This is a scenario that deserve not be ruled out.

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