miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

The austerity policies cause big damage to the citizens of the world, a different visión on the factors of production

Today, many countries of the world are subject to austerity policies. These policies generate a big damage to the people: devaluation of the currencies, inflation, decrease of the salaries, unemployment, less health, education and less pensions. Instead of austerity policies, the world requires a monetary policy that guarantee to all citizens of the world the financial resources to satisfy their basic needs.
It is important to say that currently the scarce factor of production are natural resources such as water and oil because man cannot create natural resources, but money really is not a scarce resource, simply because man can create the amount of money to attend the needs of the people; However, understanding this idea in all its implications requires a new and non-traditional way of thinking about the role of money in the economy.
Until now, the economy has considered that the scarce factor of production has been capital and has assumed the abundance of hands to produce, the labor factor, as well as the abundance of natural resources, land factor. But the world reality has shown that natural resources and especially water and oil are and will be scarce resources in the 21st century. This constitutes a total change in the paradigm of the economy, a thesis that is convincingly proven in the book Running Out: How Global Shortages Change the Economic Paradigm (1)

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Two programs to reduce global poverty, pollution and unemployment, video

Birth Control and a Global Program of Reforestation to create millions of Green Jobs in the world

Overpopulation is the main cause of the world poverty and pollution

The main cause of the world poverty and pollution is overpopulation because every day the natural resources are and will be scarcer and the financial resources too, due to the austerity policies.
Man really cannot create natural resources as water and oil but if can print the amount of money to solve the needs of the people; however, this require a different manner of to think about the issuance of money in the world.
I believe that to reduce poverty and pollution should be developed two essential programs: a) A Program of Birth Control especially for the undeveloped nations and b) A Global Program of Reforestation to create millions of Green Jobs in the world. The United Nations and the World Bank should be the institutions to develop those programs.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018

Not recognizing that the unlimited growth of the population is the main cause of poverty is the great error of the Millennium Goals established by the UN

The great error of the Millennium Development Goals established by the UN in 2000 and ratified later in 2015 in the Declaration known as Sustainable Development Goals is not explicitly recognize that the unlimited growth of the population is the main problem of humanity and that if this growth is not curbed, it is very difficult to stop and end poverty.
If the growth of the population is not limited, there will come a time when all the resources and especially the natural resources will not be sufficient to meet the demand. This accelerated population growth is what determines the problems of poverty, hunger, health, education, pollution and the environment.
So the main objective of the Millennium and Sustainable Development should be to promote the controlled growth of the world population since if it continues at its current pace the established goals can not be fulfilled. It's that easy.
Millennium Development Goals UN 2015
Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Four priorities and programs for the world development

No reconocer que el crecimiento ilimitado de la población es la causa principal de la pobreza es el gran error de los Objetivos del Milenio establecidos por la ONU

El gran error de los Objetivos del Milenio establecidos por la ONU en el año 2000 y ratificados luego en el año 2015 en la Declaración conocida como Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible es no reconocer explícitamente que el crecimiento ilimitado de la población es el principal problema de la humanidad y que si no se pone freno a ese crecimiento es muy difícil detener y acabar la pobreza.
Si no se limita el crecimiento de la población llegará un momento en que todos los recursos y en especial los recursos naturales no serán suficientes para atender la demanda. Ese crecimiento acelerado de la población es lo que determina los problemas de pobreza, hambre, salud, educación, contaminación y medio ambiente.
De manera que el Objetivo Principal del Milenio y del Desarrollo Sostenible debería ser promover el crecimiento controlado de la población mundial ya que si continúa a su ritmo actual las metas establecidas no podrán ser cumplidas. Es así de simple.
Objetivos del desarrollo del milenio ONU 2000
Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible 2015
Four priorities and programs for the world development