viernes, 12 de febrero de 2021

Venezuela, Elections for what?

A political change in Venezuela is essential because the current rulers destroyed the country.

Political change in a democratic nation is realized through elections.

But in the case of Venezuela, elections under the current circumstances would not necessarily mean a brake on the destruction caused so far or a solution to the great problems such as the exodus of thousands or millions of people due to the devastation of the country, hyperinflation and the destruction of wages, the recovery of oil, agricultural and industrial production, of public services of water, electricity, gas, hospitals, education, roads and communications, the effective fight against crime or a new education that promotes new patterns behavior in citizens.

1. Next I will explain why:

a) In the so far (February 2021) 21 years of the Chavismo government, the political parties of the so-called opposition have not been able to articulate a successful political strategy to electorally defeat their contender.

b) In those 21 years, neither the opposition parties nor the individual political leaders have been able to present to the nation a serious, coherent, feasible Country Project with concrete solutions to the great problems that plague society.

c) The opposition parties and the top of their leadership have been repeatedly mentioned in acts of corruption. The most recent incidents have been denounced, among others, by large international media such as the Washington Post, the most influential and important political newspaper in the United States and the Telemundo television network of that same country, and newspapers in Latin America and Spain such as the ABC from Madrid and El País and also by independent media in Venezuela. The allocation of funds from the billion-dollar humanitarian aid to foundations belonging to the wives of the main political leaders and to foundations of leading figures of those same parties, the million-dollar hiring of foreign law firms for the alleged defense of the interests of Venezuela with money belonging to the Republic managed by the opposition in foreign banks, the dubious administration of PDVSA in the United States and Citgo and the appointment of unqualified people to run these companies, complaints made by qualified spokespersons of the opposition itself, the handling of funds as in the case of the concerts in Cúcuta, the complaint by the opposition ambassador in Colombia about the irregular handling of humanitarian aid money and protection of the exiled military in that country, the complaint by a Colombian senator about irregular events in Monómeros Colombo Venezolanos and the alleged relation between party leaders and known people accused of corruption are just some of the irregular actions to which the opposition parties and their leadership have been linked.

2. The great question that arises from the consideration of these types of facts is therefore the following:

Can Venezuela solve its serious moral, ethical, political, economic and social crisis with those parties and that leadership?

We leave the answer to your conscience, Mr. Reader.

3. What we do have a duty to say is what, in our opinion, are the qualities and conditions that a new leadership and new parties should meet to mitigate and resolve the serious problems of Venezuela as far as possible. Those qualities and conditions are:

a) Absolute practice of ethical and moral values

b) Political and technical capacity

4. A leadership and parties without moral and ethics that moreover are not capable of creating a project to address the major problems mentioned above do not deserve to lead Venezuela and if, due to one of those serious errors that occur in the historical development of nations, that leadership and parties were to being elected in a new electoral process would be a total failure and not only would not solve the current crisis but would multiply and deepen it.

5. I, Pablo Rafael González, am 72 years old. My horizon of life is therefore limited, but when I see the great adversity of the country and when observing the inaction and incapacity of those who supposedly should present a solution to the disaster that threatens the progressive dissolution of what remains of the nation, I have considered my duty as a son of this land to contribute to the search for a solution. For that reason, in September 2019, I presented the alternative of SB Welfare Society and a Project in which the Great Strategic Objectives of the Nation and the way to achieve them are defined. (i)

6. The conclusion and answer to the title of this document is therefore very simple: elections would be of no use in Venezuela if an honest, ethical, politically and technically trained government does not emerge from them and with a Project of concrete solutions to the serious problems of the nation. The first thing, then, must be to build a great political movement of these characteristics and its respective program of solutions. I believe that SB Sociedad de Bienestar is that new political movement. 

(i) English

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