miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008

The UK Oil Will Last 4 Years More

The oil price reduction is temporary
and very soon will reach unbelievable levels

The UK oil will last only 4 years more
The USA and Mexico oil only 8 years more

The abundance of oil is something temporary and the sign of the oil crisis will be visible soon. Now, on October 2008, when the oil price descended to less of US$ 100, I am sure that this reduction is something temporary and that the oil price will reach unthinkable levels at medium term.
The United Kingdom will be the first Western country where the oil will finish. If that country maintains the production and the level of reserves that had for the year 2005, the collapse of the United Kingdom oil will occur in four years, it means, for the year 2012.

A similar phenomenon already has happened. Indeed, on May 28 2008, an important member of the OPEC, Indonesia, announced their withdrawal of the Organization, because of already do not have enough oil and can not to continue being an exporter.

The Norway oil will last seven years more, until the year 2015; the United States and Mexico oil only eight years more, until the year 2016, and the China oil nine years more, it means, until the year 2017, says the author.
Between the year 2000 and the year 2005, the oil reserves of the United Kingdom diminished 19.4%, from 5,0002 millons of barrels to 4,029 millions of barrels.
The reserves of Norway presents a similar sitation, because passed from 13,158 millions of barrels to 9,691 millions of barrels, it means, -26.3%.
The reserves of the United States passed from 21,765 millons of barrels to 21,371 millons of barrels, 1.8% less.
The Mexico situation is more dramatic because ther reserves diminished 48.5% from 28,260 millions of barrels to 13,700 millons of barrels.
China presents a similar situation, because ther reserves diminished 33% passing from 24,000 millions of barrels to 16,038 millions of barrels.
The figures demonstrate the reality. If this trend continue, in too few years the energetic crisis will appear.


1 comentario:

Pablo Rafael Gonzalez dijo...

On June 3 2014 the EIA informed the UK oil depletion for the year 2012. This fact confirms the forecast made in this blog on October 2008. This is the EIA link