martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Giving financial assistance direct to the consumers

Giving financial assistance direct to the consumers
Is the unique way for to resolve the crisis

The financial assistance to the banks does not guarantee the solution of the economic crisis. In the history ---during the Great Depression--- a similar decision was adopted by the government but was not successful.
The unique manner of to restore the power of purchase to the consumers is giving the financial assistance direct to them.
Giving assistance to the banks does not guarantee that the banks will invest that money helping the consumers. On the contrary, the banks might use those resources for investments that guarantee their own interest, that usually are not the interest of the consumers.
To help an industry as the carmakers is a way for to restore the power of purchase of the population.
To help directly to the debtors of the real estate sector is a way for the solution of the crisis.

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