jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Wild countries and advanced countries

What distinguishes a savage country from an advanced country is that in wild (1) countries the behavior of a significant proportion of its population are opposed to moral values ​​defined in the Ten Commandments of the Law of God, while in the advanced countries the majority of its population respects those principles.
In the twentieth century as a result of technological progress and capital accumulation in Western nations, the term  developed nations and its opposite, underdeveloped nations, was created; the term was later modified and changed by developing nations. Both terms refer essentially to the material aspects of the evolution of nations: technological development, economic growth, and indicators such as level of education, health and infrastructure mainly. But these figures show the material but do not reflect the real level of development of a nation.
What demonstrate the true level of development of a country is:
a) The fulfillment of the Ten Commandments of the Law of God, which are universal and eternal values ​​and
b) Observation of moral norms of coexistence between humans beings.
The Ten Commandments were given by God to Moses and are: “1. You shall have no other gods before me 2. You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 3 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. 4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. 6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Exodus 20. 1:17).
Christ and his apostles ratified the Ten Commandments (Matthew 19. 17:18) and taught the love among the human beings. 
The basic rules of coexistence between human beings are those that guarantee the welfare of a nation: respect for nature and the environment, respect for the right of citizens to live in peace and harmony.
In advanced nations the state and citizens obey the essential aspects of the Commandments of the Law of God, especially the commandments “You shall not murder" and " You shall not steal"; they also respect the basic rules of coexistence regarding nature and the environment and citizens' right to live in peace and harmony. In savage nations the opposite happens.
How many nations of the world can be considered advanced, according to these criteria?
Indeed, few nations in the world can be considered advanced countries, according to the views expressed. Some are rich, for the amount of money they have, but in reality are backward countries, countries which, despite its degree of accumulation of technology and material goods are, however, wild countries.
Development cannot be measured in terms of money, technology and material goods. The development of a nation depends on the degree of spiritual advancement; this means the respect that people have for essential moral values ​​and, in last instance, the accumulation of material wealth.
In savage countries can be seen facts as the following: high rates of crime, violating the commandment not to kill, destruction of nature and the environment and high levels of corruption among government officials and individuals, like the financial crisis which constitutes a violation of the commandment, not steal and do not covet. In advanced countries such facts do not exist or are one exception.
The great problem of humanity is that most nations are wild countries, among them there are some “developed nations”.
The world situation will change only when these savage nations cease to be and become in advanced nations. Would be it possible? What do you think?
(1)   A conceptual precision
The dictionary defines wild as 1. It grows naturally uncultivated wild plants. 2. That is not tamed: wild animals. 3. Uncultivated land, usually abrupt and rugged. 4. Figuratively: On, violent, uncontrollable: wild anger. 5. Figuratively: living in a primitive state, without civilization. 6. Fool, uneducated. 7. Figuratively: ruthless, barbarous, inhuman: wild behavior.
The word advanced is defined in the dictionary as advance, very new ideas or doctrines.

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