martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

North Korea and Iran work together and might provoke the III World War

North Korea and Iran work together. On Thursday May 21, 2009 Iran announced the test of a new missile able of to reach Israel and the South of Europe. Three days after, on Sunday May 24, 2009 North Korea made it second nuclear test, detonating a powerful bomb in its territory.
This is not the first time that this situation occurs. On February 3, 2009 something similar happened. In that opportunity, North Korea announced that would deploy in orbit it first satellite. The same day February 3, Iran launched with success it first self-constructed satellite.
The technology for building a satellite is more complex than the technology for made a ballistic missile. This means that Iran and North Korea are already able of to reach objectives in the continental territory of the United States and Europe.
Iran and North Korea seems to be disposed to continue their nuclear programs and the construction of an important ballistic missile capacity.
If these countries develop the technology for setting nuclear heads on their missiles, the world peace will be in true peril. The technological advances gotten by Iran and North Korea until now let predict that these countries will obtain that capacity very soon.
The great problem is that those countries receive the technological and military help of the other two superpowers, Russia and China. China gave it help to North Korea and Russia to Iran. This reveals that there is not sincerity in the public positions of these countries. Because by a side they talk about peace and non proliferation of nuclear weapons but by the other side they give technological nuclear help to other countries as North Korea and Iran. For that reason the Security Council of the United Nations can not getting a more strong position in the theme.

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