lunes, 22 de junio de 2009

United Nations should develop a global campaign of reforestation

That is the unique way to save the live in the planet. The figures on the destruction caused by human action are simply unbelievable. Disappeared and threatened species, water pollution, desertification, air contamination, overexploitation of the seas, rivers and lakes, atomic tests, are clear signs that the planet will not resist those abuses for much time more.
The leaders of the world have the duty of to adopt today the measures for avoiding the total destruction of the environment and the live. The United Nations should develop a global and strong campaign for the conservation and reforestation of the forests.
The forests that still survive ---and specially the Amazon Region--- are the last opportunity of the planet. The importance of the forests reserves as the Amazonia is something vital for the world. A similar natural reserve already does not exist in the planet. Man has destroyed the most forest reserves of the world in all the continents.
The forests are a source of water, oxygen and a natural form to combat the global warming.
For the United Nations this campaign would be other opportunity of to do something concrete to benefit the humanity.

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