jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

EIA report confirms the forecast of the book Running Out: how global shortages change the economic paradigm on the UK oil depletion

The U.S. Energy Information Administration, EIA, in a Report of June 3 2014 confirmed “The UK became a net importer of petroleum products in 2013, making it a net importer of all fossil fuels for the first time.”
The report says that “Although a number of new fields are expected to come online in 2013, UK production will continue to decline as new production will not be sufficient to offset the declines.” In other paragraph the report assures “EIA's Short-Term Energy Outlook expects UK oil production to continue to decline through 2015. The main reason for this decline is the overall maturity of the country's oil fields and diminishing prospects for new substantial discoveries in the future.”
The book Running Out: how global shortages change the economic paradigm of the autor Pablo Rafael Gonzalez, in their editions of the years 2005 and 2008, published by Algora Publishing, New York,  predicted the depletion of the United Kingdom reserves of oil for the year 2012. A similar forecast was made regarding the United States and Mexico oil for the year 2017. All this explains the desperate efforts to advance fracking, despite the environmental hazard it represents.
The book is a dense analysis of the behavior of natural resources, especially water and oil as a result of the overexploitation of the resources and the high population growth; these facts create the conditions for food shortages and further deterioration of the environment due to the pollution.
This is the EIA link

This is the link of the book Running Out

1 comentario:

Pablo Rafael Gonzalez dijo...

The UK oil will last 4 years more was the title of the article published in this blog on October 29 2008, forecast now confirmed by the EIA. This is the link of that article http://pablorafaelgonzalez.blogspot.com/2008/10/uk-oil-will-last-4-years-more.html