lunes, 2 de enero de 2012

Which is the future of the Western culture? How China will dominate the global economy and how the Islam will dominate Europe

The answer to those questions is very simple: a) Because the Western’s entrepreneurs are closing their factories in their countries and moving the production toward China and other Asian’s nations and b) Because of the growing migration of Islamists citizens toward Europe.
a)      The Western’s entrepreneurs close their factories for saving costs and obtaining more money. They keep their patents and brands but the production is realized by the workers of China and other countries where the workers do not receive appropriate wages neither working rights. In those nations exists a modern form of slavery that is used by the avarice of some entrepreneurs. For example, in some regions the wage of an important proportion of workers is not superior to $120 by month working 30 days by month. The consequence of this situation is that at mid and long term China and other Asian nations will have the total control of an important part of the world production of goods and services and, in consequence, of the world economy.
b)      The other objective fact is the demographic transition in Europe; this is the low birth rate of the native population and the expectancy of live increase of the elder people, by a side, and by the other, the growing augment of the Islamic citizen’s migration toward Europe; this fact constitute a severe risk of cultural clash that threat the European's  nations survival at mid and long term.
What do you think? 

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